Saturday, September 5, 2009

I'm baaaack...

I'm sure I have no followers anymore after having taken such a long hiatus from posting. I have really great excuses though, so buckle your seatbelt, here they come:

1) The Portland Willamette Writer's Conference was the first week of August, and I took most of July to fine-tune my books and to obsess about the conference. When I'm in obsess mode, there's little room for anything else.

2) I got some great feedback on my books, and I got a request to see a full manuscript of my spy-thriller novel! How awesome. So I was taking my time with submitting the manuscript so that I could incorporate the great ideas and direction I got from my manuscript reader. I got home from Portland, thinking, "Hey, no big deal! He just suggested I fix this...and that...and that..." and one hundred pages of changes later...

3)...I had surprise neck surgery. I had this lump in my neck that was growing like the mushrooms in my front lawn. When I started having trouble swallowing, I gave in and went to the doctor. People might think that former cancer patients probably go to the doctor a lot - and that may be. But for me, I need to be bleeding out of an unusual orifice, eye, nostril, etc. before I'll make an appointment with my doctor. He's a great guy, don't get me wrong. He expressed jealousy of me once that I have the time to read things like "Anna Karenina." I wanted to bring him a Cliff Notes copy of it at my next appointment, but wasn't sure if he would think it was funny or not.

That being, I'm back, and I hope you enjoy my postings : )


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