Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Geneaology, schmeaneology.

I've never cared much about where I came from. I'm a lot more interested in where I'm going, right? Right?

I seem to be alone in this mindset. My mom's family is very "relation-oriented." On a trip to England with my cousin several years ago, we just had to stop at the Isle of Man for a couple of days to do some geneaological research. Not to mention it was January, on an Isle, and therefore "freezing cold" doesn't do the weather justice. At one point, I ducked into a library to warm up for a moment. While I sat, vigorously rubbing warmth back into my hands, a patron came into the library and was greeted by the man behind the counter.

"Hello there! I haven't seen you in awhile!"

"No, no, been busy and whatnot. Thought I'd pop in for a moment, let me eyeballs thaw a bit."

I couldn't have said it better myself.

All in all, the trip to the Isle of Man was worth a couple of days' sojourn from the mainland. It is an adorable place, seemingly untouched by technology. Did I learn anything of interest about my family? No. But I enjoyed myself.

I was talking on the phone with my paternal uncle the other night. He asked if I was done with school.

"Yep, I've got my master's in hand, all is good. Now comes the fun part of paying off the loans."

Uncle Ronnie launched into a very long story about a cousin of his, who I remind him so much of. "My cousin was really smart, like you, and loved education. In fact, I saw a picture the other day, and said, 'Wow, he looks just like little Katie!'"


"His name was Ernie. He'd be your uncle, I think. Uncle Ernie. Boy, you are just a spittin' image of your great Uncle Ernie."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Well....wonderful!" I said, forcing enthusiasm into my voice. I was sincerely hoping Uncle Ernie was very feminine-looking. It would be somewhat of a salve to my ego.

I relayed this story to Mom. She regarded me.

"You really do, you know. I saw a picture of him once."

I sighed. Oh well, something to add to the profile - "has close-knit ties to her extended family."

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