Monday, December 28, 2009

Into the great unknown

I'm going to Home Depot after work. Home Depot is actually a very confusing place for a woman to venture into. Now I'm not saying anything about women not understanding pipe fittings or monkey wrenches. Au contraire. But being the last, great bastion of "Boys Only" clubs, Home Depot is a bit of an enigma in our attempt to be a unigendered and equilateral society.

Walk into any Home Depot and you can count the number of females on one finger. Count the number of females that don't secretly wish they were male, and you would have all ten fingers free to grasp onto the safety of your purse in this unfamiliar terrain.

I need a fixture that goes on my washing machine hose. I am fairly sure the item is within the walls of Home Depot. But where? With the plumbing? With the appliances? If it's with the plumbing, is it near the utilities' plumbing items or way down by the faucet items? What if it's in the faucet items area but can be used for both washing machines and work room sinks and thus really is the item I'm looking for?

What to do, what to do. It's not like I can ask someone. Oh no. Asking a store employee is admiting feminist defeat. I am female and consequently cannot find a simple plumbing fixture. I've done what any self-respecting female would do - I've googled the fixture and looked at many pictures of it, hoping I'll recognize it when I see it.

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