Thursday, September 30, 2010

Knock, knock - Destiny calling! Oh, wait. Just kidding.

Yesterday at about 11am, my cell phone rang.

Exhausted from trying to scale the wall of Validation for my writing, I sighed to myself, "Let it be an agent, please...even if they're calling to personally tell me 'thanks for wasting my time.' I need something..."

I dug in my purse and fished out my phone. The screen was blue, not a picture of my dog (Mom's caller ID photo) or my cat (Doug's caller ID). Instead, there was writing on the screen. "Call from...N..e..w..Y..o..r..k."

Holy crap.

I flicked the phone open and steadied my voice. "This is Katie."

"Oh. I, said 'Katie'?"

"I also go by Elizabeth," I said. "Elizabeth, Katie, one and the same."

"Oh. I think I must have the wrong number."

"Who are you looking for?" I asked, hoping that by keeping the staffer on the line an extra five seconds, he'll realize that he was looking at the wrong name on the Excel spreadsheet in front of him and it was in fact Katie that he was looking to tell that his agent boss wants to buy the rights to every word that ever comes out of her head.

"Tessa," he answered.

"Tessa what?" I asked. (I have no idea why I kept pressing this.)

"Um, Pina..."

"Oh. Well, I guess that's not me."

"Nope. Sorry for wasting your time," the guy said as he hung up the phone.

"That's okay," I said. "Maybe next time." For all I know, he was calling on outstanding warrants and was looking to make sure Tessa Pina kept her standing reservation at Riker's.

I do know one thing, which is slightly disturbing - I was more shaken up by this mistaken-identity phone call than I am when I'm offered receipt of collect calls from Geiger Corrections Center. And they say television isn't desensitizing.

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