Monday, May 10, 2010

Relative worth

I think I'm a decent writer. Better than a lot of stuff I read, that's for sure. But that could mean I read total crap.

I'm hard at work on my two books - mystery thriller and middle-grade reader about weiner dogs run amuck in a retirement home. Mom read the weiner dog book yesterday. "It's good! Really. It's good."

I'm being oversensitive, I know. I don't think it's all that good (what writer does?), so I look for affirmation of that in other people's responses. But can it BE good? I seem to need other people to tell me my books are worth working on, improving, before I can find the enthusiasm to actually work on and improve them.

What was the point of this post. Nothing, really. I was going to try to make some comparision between me thinking my writing is good, and my grandma cheating the local Meals on Wheels out of money.

My grandma eats a Meals on Wheels at the senior center once a week. She dubtifully sticks two dollars into the money bin, the money bin clearly labeled "Suggested Donation: $3.50."

I asked Mom about the discrepancy later. Mom rolled her eyes.

"Grandma seems to think that since she only eats about $2.00 worth of what they serve her, she only owes $2.00."

The pure, insane illogic of that hung in the air like a cloud of escaped flatulence.

I guess it really doesn't matter how good or how not good I think my writing is. I enjoy doing it, and I enjoy doing it to the best of my abilities.

As for the cheap bastards known as "The Greatest Generation", I hope Meals on Wheels prices their meals with the assumption that they're not going to be paid full price, so they ask for more and get reimbursed for what the meal actually cost in the first place.

I'll probably never sell a ton of books. But at least I can always count on senior citizens to keep the "overstock" shelves empty of my 75% off books.

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