Friday, April 3, 2009

Tummy troubles

I am so freaking frustrated! I've been sick for 7 weeks now, with flu-like symptoms. I've had a ton of blood work done, a lot of samples of this and that taken, and the best a doctor could come up with is, "It must be the flu." Right. I've had a bone marrow transplant. Are you really comfortable enough passing this, whatever it is, off as the flu?

My oncologist is now testing my blood for Celiac (even though the colonoscopy doc said it wasn't Celiac). She also told me in the interim to cut out the gluten, see what happened.

I felt better than I've felt in months.

This has GOT to be in my head. I've never had stomach problems. Did I really develop Celiac out of the blue?

Last night, I convinced myself that I'm imagining this. My grandma is a champion hypochondriac, and while I've never imagined health problems before, maybe this one I'm wrong on?

I ate pizza. I went to bed.

Upon waking this morning, my first conscious thought was, "Holy crap, I feel like crap."

I am a poor person! Well, not really, but I can't afford go to gluten-free if there's not really a reason to go gluten-free. Sure, I felt a lot better on the GF diet, but I'm sure some people would feel better on an all-chocolate-chip-cookie diet, too. Doesn't mean they should do it. Although chocolate chip cookies are, admittedly, a lot cheaper than rice bread.

I find out Wednesday what the beep is going on. I don't know what I want. I guess I want it to be Celiac so I know I'm not insane and so that I have a reason to go GF. But then, I also wanted my post-chemotherapy hair to grow back red and curly. And I wanted to marry Matt Damon. And I wanted a black Audi TT convertible. And I wanted to be happy. Oh well, one out of four isn't bad.


  1. Wow Katie - That sounds icky. (yes, I said icky).

    I do know what it feels like to have it all in your head. Sometimes I feel like I must be crazy. I have this other blog I have been keeping off and on...

  2. So what happened? Did I miss a post with the results?
